The Name That Tooth quiz.
Creating a web page or blog post that contains links to dental health activities for students? If so, please include this quiz.
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Questions list for the Name That Tooth Quiz.
Here’s a list of the questions we ask in our “Name That Tooth!” quiz. If you want to do some “studying up” before you take the exam, you can find the information you need here on our
Name That Tooth! lesson – Terms and definitions page.
For each question of the quiz, an arrow in the picture will point to a type of tooth (upper and lower). You will be asked to identify which type of tooth it is. The choices you’ll have are:
Central Incisor, Lateral Incisor, Canine (Cuspid), 1st Premolar (Bicuspid), 2nd Premolar (Bicuspid), 1st Molar, 2nd Molar, 3rd Molar. Good luck when taking this test!
You’ll be asked: Name the type of tooth that the arrows point to.
Question #1: These teeth are the first permanent back teeth to erupt. They come in at about age six years.
Question #2: On the upper arch, this type of tooth has two roots. On the bottom, they have just one.
Question #3: These back teeth come in at around age 12 years.
Question #4: These are the first permanent front teeth to erupt, at around age 6 to 7 years.
Question #5: These teeth are also known as the wisdom teeth.
Question #6: These teeth are also called eye teeth.
Question #7: On the upper arch, this type of tooth has two distinct cusps. On the bottom, the cusp on the tongue-side is less developed.
Question #8: These are the second permanent front teeth to come in (at around age 7 or 8 years.)